Our military veterans have made sacrifices to protect us and our country. At Joseph A. Lucchese Funeral Home, it is our privilege to offer veteran funeral honors to families in the Bronx community. We understand the unique challenges of planning a veteran's funeral, and our compassionate staff will walk with you through the process of celebrating your loved one's life and service.
Why We Offer Veteran Benefits
A funeral should represent the whole person. Whether your family member was currently serving in the military or completed their service years ago, we offer personalized veteran funeral services that recognize each person's contributions. We respect the men and women of our Armed Services and want to help you honor your loved one in a unique way.
We will help you plan a burial or cremation according to your family's traditions. Personalize the service with readings, speakers and music that are meaningful to you and your family.
Veteran Benefits and Services Offered
If your loved one served in the military, they may be eligible for veteran benefits. Let the caring staff at Joseph A. Lucchese Funeral Home assist you with paperwork, planning and transportation, if necessary. Our funeral home provides a wide range of services for veterans.
National or State Military Cemeteries
If you've opted for a burial at a military cemetery and your loved one meets the requirements for military funeral honors, their committal ceremony may include the following:
- Playing of Taps
- Rifle detail
- Color guard
- Flag presentation
Local Cemetery
If your loved one is going to be buried in a family plot, they may still receive military honors. Our funeral home offers custom headstones for veterans honoring their service, as well as:
- Playing of Taps, live or recorded
- Folding and laying of the American flag on the casket
- Financial contribution to families (if applicable)
- A preplanned cemetery plot and burial allowances
Who Is Eligible?
Joseph A. Lucchese Funeral Home will help you determine veteran funeral eligibility and coordinate your benefits.
Veteran Burial Benefits
If a veteran's death occurred while on active duty, active duty for training or inactive duty for training or they were formerly active duty and left without dishonorable discharge, they may be eligible for burial benefits.
Burial Flag
If you're planning a ceremony at a military cemetery and you want a burial flag provided by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, you may also need to meet additional requirements, but Joseph A. Lucchese Funeral Home honors all of its veterans by providing families with a full-size American flag.
Plan a Veteran Funeral in the Bronx
If you have questions about preplanning or making arrangements for a funeral that recognizes your loved one's military service, contact Joseph A. Lucchese Funeral Home. Our experienced funeral directors and staff will answer your questions and provide the resources you need to create a customized, life-affirming funeral service.