Mabel Cerrate-Valdez

Mabel Cerrate-Valdez, nacida el 28 de diciembre de 1996 en New York, NY, murió el 3 de octubre de 2021 en Camden, NJ. Tenía 24 años y vivía en Newark, NJ en el momento de su muerte. Mabel se graduó de la Universidad de St. Peter en 2019 con un título en Administración de Empresas y actualmente trabajaba para una oficina de vivienda de la Sección 8. Ella era una persona dedicada que estaba a punto de lograr muchas de sus metas. Su color favorito era el color rosa y adoraba a los pandas. Era linda y tierna en la superficie, pero debajo vivía una de los seres más valientes y amables que haya caminado esta tierra.

Mabel era un alma hermosa; su vida estuvo llena de amor en abundancia por parte de todos los que tuvieron el placer de conocerla. Adoraba la moda y encontraba cada ocasión para lucirse lo hermosa que era; y Mabel sabía que era hermosa. Irradiaba confianza desde que entraba a cualquier cuarto, siempre con mucha elegancia. Pero nunca se le podía llamar presumida por lo dulce que era, uno ni cuenta se daba por lo amable que era su sonrisa. Mabel era la primera cara que te saludaba en una fiesta o reunión, te preparaba una bebida antes de siquiera preguntarte tu nombre. Si estás aquí es porque eres parte de la familia.

Mabel deja atrás una gran familia. Ella era extremadamente cercana tanto con su madre como con su padre, a veces parecían inseparables. Modelando y tomándose fotos con su madre, contando chistes e cuentos con su padre, el amor entre ellos era evidente y precioso. Mabel heredó todo el espíritu de Luisa, su encanto y su belleza interna tanto como externa. Su alegría era contagiosa y más aún cuando estaban presentes madre e hija. Mabel también era la niña linda de papá, se veía en el rostro de Ramón cada vez que miraba a su hija, se veía en la mirada traviesa que cruzaba el rostro de Mabel cuando ella acababa de pensar en algo. Pero no había mayor relación en ese hogar que la de dos hermanas. Mabel siempre decía que su mejor amiga era su hermana mayor, Jessica. Eran tan unidas que parecían mellizas. Jessica recuerda que desde niñas llamaba a Mabel por su apodo, Nony. Jessica podía llamarla de cualquier manera y Mabel siempre venía corriendo. Un día lo intentó, gritó un nombre al azar y, tal como pensaba, Mabel respondió. Jessica cuestionó la cordura de Mabel y Mabel solo se rio y dijo: “Sabía que te referías a mí”. Fueron esos tipos de relaciones que Mabel inspiró dentro de su familia.

La unión y hermandad que Mabel tuvo con muchos de sus primos es algo que envidiar. Ella formo parte de la prestigiosa Asociación Montro, Inc., un grupo creado para y por sus primos donde podían compartir risas, amor y tiempo juntos; tiempo que nadie imaginó se acortaría tanto. Ya sea haciendo parodias para la era prehistórica de YouTube, jugando al monopolio y comiendo Burger King unsábado por la noche, fiestas de pijamas o de cumpleaños, no importaba; Mabel siempre estuvo ahí y se propuso hacérselo saber a sus primos anunciándose a sí misma: “Llego Mabel!”. La mejor parte de su llegada siempre era ver a los niños que corrían hacia ella quien esperaba con sus brazos abiertos. Primitos, sobrinos/as adoptivos, los amaba a todos tanto como ellos la amaban a ella. Ella era un guardián que siempre se quejaba, pero felizmente hacía el trabajo. “Yo no tengo muchachos”, decía mientras cargaba a uno de los bebés en su cadera, o mientras peinaba a otra. Pero eran de ella y ella era de ellos, y la adoración que sentían por ella era obvio en pequeños rostros cuando sus ojos llegaban a encontrarla.

La Familia lamenta profundamente la pérdida de su luz, su risa, sus bromas, su sarcasmo, su valentía, todo de ella. Como niña, y hasta como adulta, siempre la podías encontrar comiendo dulce. Normalmente, ella andaba con una bolsa negra de la bodega colgando de su muñeca llena de gomitas agrias. Mabel no era solo el alma de la fiesta, ella era la fiesta, andaba con el sol en su bolsillo, solo como una excusa para usar sus lentes de sol. Era dramática y cursi, extremadamente vocal y ocupaba espacio con su audacia. Mabel era única, no hay y nunca habrá nadie como ella, y así es que ella lo prefería. Se estaba volviendo una mujer y estaba gozando su viaje hacia la independencia. Mabel estaba lista para emprender el futuro que siempre deseaba. Todos los que la conocían decían lo mismo, era apasionada y a veces impulsiva, pero escuchaba. Se preocupaba por los consejos que les ofrecían los demás y hacía todo lo posible por seguirlos. Mabel era una de las mejores personas que podía tener a tu lado, no porque fuera increíble, y lo era, sino porque realmente escuchaba, se preocupaba y siempre estaba ahí.

Mabel era una protectora, una solucionadora de problemas, guardaespaldas y abogada, no había nada ni nadie que temía enfrentar. Una organizadora y facilitadora, llena de asombro y ganas de pasar el tiempo libre que tenía con sus seres queridos. Le encantaba bailar y cantar en voz alta y fuera de tono, sobre todo a Mabel le encantaba ser libre. Comenzando con tragos de refresco de naranja, hasta tragos de tequila, y brindis con champaña, Mabel fue el epicentro de todo. Dispuesta a mantener viva la diversión, a mantener el espíritu de su familia bien alimentada, porque eso es todo lo que quiso, tiempo con sus seres queridos. Esperamos que el tiempo que pasó aquí en la tierra le haya bastado para saber lo amada que era, lo amada que siempre será. Mientras sea recordada, su espíritu nunca desaparecerá. Mabel era un ser de luz en vida, un espectáculo de estrellas que cautivaba a todos los que tenían la suerte de estar cerca de ella. Y ella todavía brilla, la única diferencia es que ahora, estamos iluminados por su presencia desde adentro. Estos sentimientos de dolor, aunque pesados, no durarán para siempre. ¿Pero tú, Mabel? Tu eres eterna, y somos nosotros quienes tuvimos la suerte y el inmenso placer de conocerte en vida. Que Dios te guie a casa.

Mabel es sucedida por sus padres, Ramón y Luisa Cerrate, su hermana Jessica Cerrate y su abuela Rosalía Valdez, así como sus muchas tías, tíos y primos amorosos.

Para aquellos que deseen dar sus respetos a la familia, el velorio se llevará a cabo el sábado 9 de octubre de 2021 en el Joseph A. Lucchese Funeral Home ubicado en 726 Morris Park Avenue, Bronx, NY 10462, de 5 p.m. a 9 p.m. La recepción es privada y será solo para familiares y amigos cercanos.

Mabel Cerrate-Valdez, born December 28, 1996 in New York, NY, died October 3, 2021 in Camden, NJ. She was 24 years old and lived in Newark, NJ at the time of her death. Mabel graduated from St. Peter’s University in 2019 with a degree in Business Management and was currently working for a Section 8 housing office. She was a dedicated individual who was on her way to accomplishing many of her goals. Her favorite color was pink, and she adored pandas. She was cute and cuddly on the surface but underneath it lived one of the most valiant and kind souls to have ever graced this earth.

Mabel was a beautiful soul; her life was full of an abundance of love from everyone who had the pleasure of meeting her. She adored fashion and found every occasion to dress up and show off how beautiful she was; and Mabel knew she was beautiful. She radiated confidence as soon as she glided gracefully into a room. You’d never know it because of how sweet she was, because of how kind her smile was. Mabel was often the first face to greet you at a gathering, she’d fix you a drink before she even asked you your name. If you were there, you were family.

Mabel leaves behind a very big family. She was extremely close with both her mother and father, at times they seemed inseparable. Modeling in pictures with her mother, telling jokes and stories with her father, the love between them was evident and precious. Mabel inherited all of Luisa’s spirit, her charm and allure. Their joy was contagious and even more so when mother and daughter were both present. Mabel was also daddy’s little girl, you could see it in Ramon’s face every time he looked at his daughter, could see it in the mischievous look that would cross Mabel’s face when she’d just thought of something. But there was no greater relationship to witness in their home than that of two sisters.

Mabel often referred to her older sister Jessica as her best friend, they were so close it was almost as if they were twins. Jessica remembers calling Mabel, “Nony”, a pet name she gave her as kids.  Jessica could call her anything and Mabel would always come running. One day she tried, she called out a random name and just as she thought, Mabel replied. Jessica questioned Mabel’s sanity and Mabel laughed and said, ‘I knew you meant me’. It was those types of relationships Mabel inspired within her family.

The bond she shared with many of her cousins is something to envy. Having been an esteemed member and co-founder of the prestigious Association Montro, Inc., a group created for and by her cousins where they could share laughs, love and time together; time that no one imagined would be cut so short. Whether it was making short films for the prehistoric YouTube era, playing monopoly and eating Burger King on a Saturday night, sleepovers, birthday parties, it didn’t matter; Mabel was always there and she made a point of letting her cousins know by announcing herself, ‘I’m hereeee’. The best part about her arrival would be the kids who’d run into her waiting arms. Baby cousins, adopted nieces and nephews, she loved them all as much as they loved her. She was a caretaker who always complained but happily did the work. ‘This ain’t my child’ she’d say as she’d bounce one of the babies on her hip, or while she brushed another’s hair. But they were hers and she was theirs, and there was always adoration kissing those small faces when they saw her.

The Family grieves the loss of her light, her laughter, her jokes, her sarcasm, her fearlessness, all of her. As a kid, and even as an adult, you could always find her munching on candy, often with a black bodega bag hanging off her wrist with more sour gummy worms for later. Mabel wasn’t just the life of the party, she was the party, she brought the sun with her everywhere she went, just so she had an excuse to wear her sunglasses. She was dramatic and loud and took up space with her boldness. Mabel was unique, there isn’t and will never be anyone truly like her, and she preferred it that way. She was coming into her own as a woman and was enjoying her journey to independence. Mabel was ready to embrace the future she’d always desired. Everyone who knew her said the same, she was passionate and sometimes impulsive, but she listened. She cared about the advice others had to give her and she tried her best to heed it. Mabel was one of the best people you could have on your team, not because she was amazing, and she was, but because she truly listened, she cared and she was always there.

Mabel was a protector, a problem solver, the muscle and the mouth, there was nothing and no one she was afraid to deal with. An organizer and facilitator, full of wonder and the desire to spend what time she had with her loved ones. She loved to dance and sing loudly and offkey, most of all Mabel loved to be free. From shots of orange soda, to shots of tequila, to champagne toasts and showers, Mabel was the epicenter of it all, always willing to keep the fun alive, to keep her family’ spirits fed with quality time. Because that’s all she ever wanted, time with her loved ones. We hope that the time she spent here on earth was enough for her to know how loved she was, how loved she will always be. As long as she is remembered, her spirit will never truly disappear. Mabel was a being of light in life, a show of stars that rained over all who were lucky enough to be near her. And she still shines, the only difference is that now, we are illuminated by her presence from within. These feelings of grief, while heavy, won’t last forever, but you May? You are eternal, and we are lucky to have known you as long as we did. May God guide you home.

Mabel is succeeded by her parents, Ramon and Luisa Cerrate, her sister Jessica Cerrate and her Grandmother Rosalia Valdez, as well as her many loving aunts, uncles and cousins.

For those who wish to pay their respects to the family, the funeral will be held on Saturday, October 9, 2021 at the Joseph A. Lucchese Funeral Home located at 726 Morris Park Avenue, Bronx, NY 10462, from 5pm until 9pm. Family and friends wishing to attend the visitation virtually may do so by clicking the following link at any time during the visiting hours Cerrate-Valdez Visitation The location of the reception is private and will be for close friends and family only.


1 Comment

  1. Ana Celeste Serraty on October 9, 2021 at 11:30 am

    We love you May. Forever and always.

    I know you’re with us, everyday.


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